Tag Archives: Indianapolis Indiana

Week in Review

Image from stock.xchng.

This is week 3 of both my 100 Push up Challenge and also the Core Performance
book.  I am starting to feel some of the benefits, at least a little! This was a nice short week at work and a wonderful day of giving thanks. It has been a great week!

Monday was my requisite rest day.  I did my push ups completing the required 72 pushups.  After last week’s exhaustion test I’m in the middle column for now.  In regards to the Core workouts, I’ve decided to drop the Movement Prep.  My knee and heel were starting to hurt and I felt like some of the exercises in MP were aggravating those areas, I might try to slowly work them back in later. I did do the Prehab: Core-Hip-Shoulder, and used my Stick instead of a Foam Roller.

Tuesday I was feeling lazy and never made it out the door! No real reason, just lazy.  I did manage to do my core workout though.  Today was a physioball and rope  workout.

Wednesday I did make it outside.  I ran my Metrodome 3 mile loop in 23:36. It was about 19 degrees but the wind was really strong on the one leg and made my hands really cold! I did my required 82 push ups and Prehab:Core and used The Stick.

Thursday Happy Thanksgiving!! Nathan and I did a 1.5 mile warm-up before we ran the Giving Thanks 5k.  I finished in 20:01.  It was a pretty nice morning for a Thanksgiving race! Look forward to a more in-depth review.  I came home and did my core work – physioball and Prehab:Hip.  I’ve stopped doing the Prehab:Shoulder because I think it duplicates some of the push up workout and exhausts my shoulders.

Friday I went out for an easy 3 mile run in my new Mizuno Wave Inspire 4 shoes. My old Mizuno’s have 381 miles on them. This was a pretty uneventful run. I decided to run along the Midtown Greenway, but instead of running on the “Greenway” I ran on the dirt trail that runs alongside the paved one. The two trails are seperated by a fence and the lower is more like a service road type thing.  It was different.  Weather was mid-20’s with some wind making for a decent 23 minute workout.  I did my 88 required push ups and Prehab:Core

Saturday means Polar Bear Run.  This run was fairly close to home and my wife was working again so I didn’t feel like calling anybody for a ride. Instead I biked to the Light Rail station – took the LRT – and biked to the start of the run, this was approximately 2.5 miles on a frigid morning.  Awake and ready to run we ran from Historic Fort Snelling down into Fort Snelling State Park getting in 8.5 miles on mostly soft trails.  The run featured a lot of deer, at least 15.  At least one of which had 10 points.  It was a neat mix of bucks, does, and fawns running around.  Some let us get pretty close, staring us down before leaping away to safety.  I am always amazed that animals kind of know when hunting season is and when they are generally safe.  This was another great run on a sunny day with a thin layer of frost covering everything.

Sunday was a snow covered run along the Minnesota River.  Maybe an inch of snow covered the ground as we headed out along the trail.  We cross the footbridge on Cedar Ave and then headed north to Lyndale Ave all on trails next to the river.  It is a great place to run and the fresh snow covering made for some beautiful sights.  There was plenty of animal tracks – mostly coyote and rabbit. I did see what looked like deer tracks and we saw a bunch of wild turkeys on the drive to the parking spots.  This was about a 9 mile run in 1:18:09.  A few of us had a little sprint finish across the footbridge!

Weekly Mileage:

Running – 28.3 miles

Biking – 23.6 miles

Last Year:

Running – 0 miles

Biking – 20 minutes

Swimming – 1 session

Last year I was analyzing my training cycles. My second cycle was for a 10k.  I ran a 4 mile Drumstick Dash in Indianapolis and posted a guest review for the Harpeth Hills Flying Monkeys Marathon. Also during this week last year Dr Cade, Gatorade Inventor, died at 80.

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Race Results from Thanksgiving and beyond!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are getting back into the routine of your life! Welcome to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!

Four Mile Foot Fest was won by Nick Polk, 23 of Indianapolis, in 19:59 (5:00) almost 3 minutes ahead of second place.  Nicole Gliem, 22 of Beech Grove, won the female division in 23:44 (5:56) about 10 seconds ahead of second place and 5th overall. 172 finished this event.

Drumstick Dash was won by Jeff Powers, 23 of Bloomington, in 21:40 (4:49) about 15 seconds ahead of second place.   Maddie  McKeever, 20 of Littleton, CO, won the female division in 25:12 (5:36) about 10 seconds ahead of second place and 23rd overall. 2,524 finished the 4.5 mile course (they don’t count the 2.6 mile course finishers).

Christmas in the Park (Brazil) was won by Zach Whitkanack in 17:05 (5:29) about 40 seconds ahead of second place.  Janelle Ralph won the female division in 20:08 (6:28) about a minute ahead of second place and 6th overall. 45 finished this event!

Pictures from Tuxbro and the Drumstick Dash.

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Race Review: Drumstick Dash

First, Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful day of giving thanks.  I know I am thankful for much, includes my wonderful wife, friends, running, and you my fellow runners and blog friends!

In my first-ever Thanksgiving Day race I completed the 4.5 mile Drumstick Dash hosted by Tuxbro in Broad Ripple (Indianapolis). According to their website over 5,000 signed up for this 5th annual event. 

I traveled to the event with the Rayl family (Brian, Kelly, and Logan), all three of them completed the race! We all ran good races and had an excellent morning together!

The race began at 9am between Broad Ripple High School and the shopping plaza with the Running Company (event sponsor).  The high school’s electronic sign said the temperature was 32 degrees, the car thermometer read 38, and the official temperature from Tuxbro says 37.  So it was somewhere in the mid-30’s with gusting winds at the start.  Due to the wind I wore tights and a long-sleeve shirt and other runners were wearing as little as a singlet or shorts all the way to a guy in a parka and pants! It spit rain a few times and afterwards there was some white stuff falling too!

This race includes a turkey chase so we watched the 6 foot tall turkey ride through the crowd, high-fiving everyone, before he got about a minute running head start.  His captors (female and male) later finished the race 39th and 83rd (respectively), but their sprint from the start netted them some type of award. There were also some great costumes!

I ran with Logan for the first mile which ended in a neighborhood but included some of the major thoroughfares of Broad Ripple. We took it out at a comfortable pace and kept it relaxed while the large crowd sorted itself out.  They had people holding signs with pace times at the starting line so that you could line up in some type of order, which made for a pretty decent starting pack. We came through the first mile at 6:22.

The entire course was on roads, so nothing too exciting happened.  There were some people along the streets cheering, but not a lot.  The streets were a little wet from yesterday’s rain which caused some puddles in little dips and the side of the road.  One concern was that we were all taking the turns pretty close to the curb and there were leaves collected in the gutters which made it a little slippery.  Logan pulled away from me and I came through the 2nd mile at 6:28.

A water stop was available at about 2.5 miles which was also at the top of a hill.  Nothing real serious here, but just something to make you think about your stride and pace.  I took it in stride and I don’t think it bothered me too much.  Throughout the race I was continually passing people while only occasionally being passed as well.  Right after the water stop was the turn off point for the short course.  They offered two distances the 4.5 (which was timed and scored) and a 2.6 mile course which was not scored (they had a clock so you knew your time).  I came through the third mile at 6:36.

This next mile wound through a neighborhood circle.  Going into the neighborhood I could see the runners coming back out.  They were probably the back of the first packs. During this 1/2 mile loop.  I threw in a surge to try and catch the next pack in front of me. I continued passing groups of people as we turned onto Broad Ripple Ave and came through the 4th mile in 6:38.

The last 1/2 mile had a slow downhill, a quick uphill, and then a nice downhill finish! The finish line wasn’t marked overhead with a banner or anything so I wasn’t sure exactly where it was.  At the top of the hill two, what appeared to be, college runners took off for a sprint finish.  The first guy took off and the other one yelled at him and then chased him down.  It was funny to see, but didn’t really inspire me to try and sprint to the finish! I did pick up the pace and passed a good amount of runners in this section to finish the half-mile at 3:08.  My overall time was 29:14 (6:30).

I’m completely fine with that time, I had no expectations and haven’t done much running or any speedwork for a few weeks.  It would have been nice to beat Logan again (I beat him at Pop Weaver 5K), but oh well!! There was lots of food and water at the finish area.  Starbucks, the Noodle Company, and the Sunflower Market were all giving products away.  The Running Company had an amazing sale, but most of the stuff had already been picked over. The event shirt was a very nicely done black, Brooks Technical shirt!

All proceeds from this event benefit the Wheeler Mission in Indianapolis. The race slogan was Move Your Feet So Others Can Eat!

Overall this was another great event by Tuxbro.

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Race Results from November 10

Here are the results from this past weekend.  Let us know if you competed, how you did, and what you thought of the race in the comments section.

Forest Park Step N’ Stride 10K & 5K Bob Bragg, 42 of Noblesville, won the 10K in 35:15 (5:41) about 20 seconds ahead of second place.  Camille Herron, 25 of Lafayette, won the female division in 36:49 (5:56) almost 4 minutes ahead of second place and 5th overall.   188 finished the 10K. Jesse Davis, 25 of Indianapolis, won the 5K event in 15:18 (4:56) about 1:20 ahead of second place.  Laura Farley, 23 of Indianapolis, won the female division in 17:40 (5:42) about 3 minutes ahead of second place and 6th overall.  169 finished the 5K.  Lisa Jones won the 5K Walk in 33:18 (10:45) and Max Shellenbarger the men’s in 38:19 (12:22). 58 finished the walk.

Club Kokomo Road Runners 4 Mile Run/5K Walk was won by William Irvin in 24:36 (6:09) about 10 seconds ahead of second place.  Michelle Hollingsworth won the female division in 29:45 (7:26) about 30 seconds ahead of second place and 15th overall. 48 completed the 4 Mile run.  Jerry Lambert won the 3 Mile walk in 34:36 (11:32) with Amanda Pena winning the female division in 36:29 (12:09).  14 completed the 3 Mile walk.

Indiana Fall Classic 10K was won by Scott Mullins, 33, in 33:27 (5:22) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Janelle Ralph, 25, won the female division in 40:40 (6:32) about 3 minutes ahead of second place and 15th overall.  80 completed this 10K event.

Jordan’s Journey 5K Run, Walk & Roll was won by Andy Wilson in 15:35 (5:00) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Shannon Hendrix-Buxton won the female division in 18:20 (5:54) almost 3 minutes ahead of second place and 10th overall.  123 completed the 5K event.

Yesterday’s Run

I did an easy lap around the wet leaf covered trail at Shadyside Park in Anderson. The trail was fairly empty with temperatures around 52 with some strong winds.  I picked it up for the final 1/4 mile and completed the 2.64 lap in 18:42.  I finished the workout with a couple of accelerations.  I have some slight pain in the ball of my left foot.

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Running Trends and Race Results

First the running trends:

Here are some interesting statistics about running in the USA.

  • In 2006, over 8.5 million people completed a US Road Running Event, with 38% of those completing a 5K and 4.8% completing a marathon.
  • That is a 5% increase over 2005.
  • The above 8.5 million people competed in almost 15,000 events in 2006 with 50% of those being 5K’s.
  • Over 43,000 participated in the Celestial Seasonings Bolder Boulder 10K, 2006’s largest race, while Indy’s Mini-Marathon placed 7th overall with 27,000 finishers.
  • The half-marathon or 13.1 mile event is the largest growing event in the country. Other growing race distances include the 1 mile, 5 mile, 8K, and 10mile.
  • 53% of runners are male and the average age is 44 years old.
  • In 2006, over $726 million (an increase of 11%) on running clothing and $3 BILLION on running shoes (a slight decline).

Now for the Race Results from August 18.

ICADV Race Away From Domestic Violence 10k was won by Andy Hass of Lizton, IN in 34:17 (5:32) with Cindy Harris of Indianapolis winning the female division in 42:51 (6:55) and placing 21st overall.  In the 5K Stephen Mason of Indianapolis won in 16:56 (5:27) with Jean Lampert of Indianapolis winning the female division in 19:19 (6:13) and placing 10th overall.

5K 4 United Way, in Terre Haute was won by Gary Collins in 16:47 (5:04) with Jessica Crowder winning the female division in 19:22 (6:14) and placing 8th overall.

Friends of Seelyville 5K was won by Patrick Ferro in 19:06 (6:08) and the female division was won by Carla Yerkes in 20:34 (6:37).

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