Category Archives: Race Results

13.1 Minneapolis Supported World Vision

World Vision Runners - provided by DVA

Sunday was the inaugural 13.1 Minneapolis Half Marathon. Part of the event proceeds support World Vision‘s work with clean water in Kenya (the same as my fundraising).

The Inaugural 13.1® Minneapolis took more than 2,500 runners and walkers on a course filled with festivities, beautiful scenery and live entertainment. Kicking off near St. Anthony Main and ending at Nokomis Park, the half marathon and Karhu 5K, proved to truly be where the party met the pavement.
Coming in first was Chad Ernst, 22, a lieutenant in the Marine Corps, with a time of 1:13:50. “I was pleased with
everything about the race, especially finishing first,” said Ernst, who has been running since he was ten years old
but had never won a race this large. Other top male runners included Christian Mihelich, coming in second at
1:16:32, followed closely by Jonathon Balabuck who finished the race at 1:17:38.
The first female to cross the finish line was Leah Thorvilson, 31, with a time of 1:26:11. Thorvilson recently
qualified for the Olympic trials marathon team and has run over 150 races in the past 3 years. “I’ve competed
in a lot of races and was really impressed with this one, particularly the turn out for an inaugural race,” said
Charity partner Team WorldVision has raised more than $150,000 and expects to top the $200,000 mark overall
for the race. The money will go towards providing clean water for more than 68,000 children and families and
90,000 livestock in Kenya, Africa.

Taken from the official release.  Full results can be found here.

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Power of Sportsmanship

Talk about a roller coaster ride. Nicole Cochran, of Tacoma Washington, won the 3200 meter run before being DQ’ed. Then in a somewhat emotional moment following the official awards ceremony, fellow competitors traded off the medals, giving Cochran the first place medal. To top it all off 10 days later, she was officially reinstated as the winner!

Confused? Yea re-read all that, or here is the blurp from the Tri-City Herald

Cochran, you might recall, is the Bellarmine Prep senior who apparently won the race after surging past leader Sandra Martinez of Davis with about 550 meters to go in the race — only to have been judged to have run on the inside lane line for at least three consecutive strides, an infraction that led to her disqualification.

After her coaches appealed the decision (denied, of course — otherwise, that’d be the end of the story), Shadle Park’s Andrea Nelson walked off the awards podium after receiving the first-place medal and immediately draped it around Cochran’s neck, saying, “You’re the state champion.”

The rest of the medal-winners then gathered around Cochran and had a medal exchange, with each handing their medal to the person who finished one spot ahead of her — for instance, Redmond’s Sarah Lord handed the second-place medal to Nelson and was given the third-place medal by teammate Devin McMahon, who got the fourth-place medal from Gig Harbor’s Kate Stuart, and so on down the line …

The original story even made ESPN headlines, but was pretty much the same story.

Subsequent reviews of a flotrack video showed that it wasn’t actually Cochran who should have been DQ’ed but a teammate. She was eventually reinstated as the official winner by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.

It is great that she can officially call herself the state champion. But it is quite impressive that athletes at that level can be so self-less and have such a high level of sportsmanship. They should be applauded for their actions.


[tags] Nicole Cochran, WIAA [/tags]

Indianapolis ends in a Tie

After slogging it out for 13.1 miles two Kenyans tied for the win at the 31st Annual Indianapolis Mini Marathon. After reviewing both still pictures and video, race officials declared Kenyans Lamech Mokono and Valentine Orare winners and awarded them both the 1st place prize money. The pair came in first, in a time of 1:02:53, out of 35,000 entrants. (Indy Star article)

I’m having trouble finding a way to get a full list of results to see how many actually finished and if there is anybody from Minnesota who finished.

I know a lot of my friends from Anderson ran the race because it is part of the Anderson Road Runner’s Road Race Series. This is the first time since 2005 that I haven’t run the race so it is a little weird to be reporting on it. I’ve enjoyed running it and being able to run on the Brickyard but have never performed well there! Here is a race review from blogging buddy Joe.

Let’s hope that the Indy 500 race doesn’t end in a tie in a few weeks!

Updated 5-5

Organizers announced today that there were 30,225 finishers, the most in the 32-year history of the nation’s largest 13.1-mile race.

[tags] Indy Mini, Half-Marathon, Indianapolis [/tags]

Best of 2007: Personal Race Performance

As 2007 quickly comes to a close here’s a look at some of the Best of 2007.

Here are 3 of my best race performances in 2007. What was your best race this year?

  1. Buzzards Roost 10K I ran 42:22 which left me very confident for later races and was only 54 seconds off my 10K PR. This was a 6:49 pace.
  2. Ovarian 4Mi Run I ran a 25:43 which I was very excited about. This was a 6:25 pace.
  3. DINO Series – Fort Harrison 15K I ran a 1:07:32 with an all out sprint finish I was very pleased with this 5 minute PR and a tough course. This was a 7:14 pace.

After the Buzzards Roost race I felt confident that I would run some excellent 10K’s later in the year and this was a fairly tough course, so I was very pleased with my race.

The Ovarian 4 Mile run was definitely my fastest performance of the year, I ran a solid race throughout the 4 miles and felt like everything came together perfectly.

The DINO races are all tough and I was super-excited to have ran a 5 minute PR on a mostly hilly course. I was still reaping the benefits of my taper and feel that overall it was a good performance.

Honorable Mention would be the Mid-South Half-Marathon, which I ran a little slower than I wanted but felt that overall it was a good race.

Weekend Workout Summary

Friday – I was at the gym riding one of the bicycles, I put in one hour of easy riding and rode about 16.5 miles. My gym has several styles of bikes, one has the big fan wheel, another is a “real” machine bike with a seat and a back rest – more of a recumbent bike, and the last is a machine with a normal style seat. I think either of the two machines provide a good workout but I personally prefer the normal style because it is more realistic.

Sunday – I ran for the first time since Thanksgiving. We had gotten several inches of snow and a layer of ice. I decided to go ahead and run a loop at Mounds State Park with Brian. It was a pretty tough workout, some of the trails hadn’t been touched and it was beautiful, if not disorienting. We also saw a nice fat deer and lots of deer tracks. It was a good run, but very tough and we both could feel the extra work required due to the snow. My foot felt fine and still feels good so far!

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Race Results from December 1

It didn’t seem like a good weekend for racing, but that didn’t stop many brave souls from venturing out and competing well.

2007 Sleigh Bell 5K was won by Dave Nordhielm, 40 of West Lafayette, in 17:54 (5:46) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Andrea Blocher, 43 of West Lafayette, won the female division in 18:40 (6:01) about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 4th overall.  249 finished this Ken Long event.

Tecumseh Trail Marathon was won by Nicholas Johnson, of Huntington, IN, in an impressive 3:03:55 (7:01) about a minute ahead of second place.  Marla Luckey, of Champaign IL won the female division in 3:47:05 (8:40) almost 4 minutes ahead of second place and 30th overall. 453 finished the marathon distance. The 5.5 Mile Fun Run was won by Scott Weaver of Indianapolis in 37:41 (6:51) about 10 seconds ahead of second place.  Amanda Holzhausen, of McCordsville, won the female division in 40:28 (7:21)about 1:30 ahead of second place and 6th overall. 76 finished the fun run.  Both are DINO events.

Frostbite 5K was won by Jeremiah Vaughan, 18, in 16:01 (5:09) over a minute ahead of second place.  Pam Mertz, 39, won the female division in 19:06 (6:08) about 1:30 ahead of second place and 17th overall.  225 finished this event hosted by the Easter Seals and part of the Wayne County Challenge.

CKRR Charity Run 5K was won by Jeff Hemmeger in 19:07 (6:09) about 15 seconds ahead of second place.  Heather Weber won the female division in 21:32 (6:55) in 11th place overall. 65 finished the 5K. Mary Miller won the 3 Mile Walk in 39:08 (13:02). 21 finished the walk.

Kris Kringle 4 Mile was won by Ethan Ferguson, 17 of New Castle, in 24:25 (6:06) about 10 seconds ahead of second place. Pam Mertz, 39 of Richmond, won the female division in 25:32 (6:23) not bad for racing two days in a row! she was about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 7th overall.  Friends of mine from Taylor finished 10th and 14th.  74 finished this 4 mile event. The 3 mile walk was won by Greg Callahan, 57, in 33:12 (11:04).  



Yesterday’s Workout

I was at the gym again, I used a rowing machine for about 15 minutes, the computer was broken.  This was my first time on a rowing machine, it is a very different feeling.  You feel a little burn in your legs, but a lot in your back and shoulders.  I need to do some research to make sure my form was correct.  I followed this with 15 minutes on the elliptical machine.  It was a nice 30 minute aerobic workout!


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