Tag Archives: crossfit

Day 37

Finished another nonfiction book today. Another CrossFit related one. The Heart is the Strongest Muscle by Tia Claire Toomey.

I’ve not read her other book yet, but this one was more about mindset and also some of her stories about decision points she had throughout her life. It’s easy to forget her origin story from rural Australia to the Fittest Woman on Earth!

She offers some workout advice throughout but that wasn’t the main point of the book.

Day 36

Today was my 800th day of working out with Street Parking. Street Parking is an online based community that offers hundreds of workouts including a Daily WOD. Think CrossFit plus so much more. I started in April 2021 and have really enjoyed the programming and challenges. Their biggest mantras include Simple, Not Easy, More than Nothing, and Fitness Freedom.

Fitness Freedom has been important for my recovery from the concussion. Each workout has modifications and then you can modify those as needed too.

They offer rewards when you hit 75 workouts, 365, and 1000. I’m well on my way to 1000 workouts done and today felt like a good milestone! My goal is to hit the 1000 milestone this year!

01082020 – CrossFit

It felt good to be back at the gym. It has been several weeks since I was able to go due to illnesses in the family. It was great to be back! I was named Athlete of the Month and several people congratulated me on that honor. The class was pretty full too.

We did a snatch warm up. And then got into a 10 minute EMOM with two snatches each minute working up to a challenging weight. I started with a 65lb Snatch and then went up to 70. I did it for a second round and then 75 for two rounds. Then up to 80. I failed at both attempts so I went back down to 75 and finished out the time with that. I think I failed at 2 other lifts in the remaining time. I asked Coach Jeff to watch me and he gave me some pointers which helped.

After the Snatches we had a shortish MetCon. 4 rounds for time of 15 swings and 15 burpees. I did the 35lb kettlebell and finished in just over 8 minutes. It was fairly consistent at 2 minutes per round. The burpees were definitely slow going!

It felt great to be back at the gym.

01012020 – CrossFit

After some discussion we decided to do CrossFit workout Lynne. It is an interesting choice but will be a good one to retest throughout the year. It is a bench and pullup workout. In the cold barn we setup and started warming up. Lynne is supposed to be bodyweight bench. We agreed that none of us could do that and settled on 95# being a good weight to start with.

Lynne is 5 rounds of max effort benchpress and pullups. It is written with no time caps or other real details. We setup the rounds and progression and hit it. We did time it to get a sense of how long it would take. We were fairly generous with rest too. I started on the bench and then did pullups and then rest.

Round 1 was 15 bench 6 pullups

Round 2 was 15 bench 6 pullups

Round 3 was 12 bench and 6 pullups

Round 4 was 13 bench and 7 pullups

Round 5 was 14 bench and 7 pullups.

Round 5 was to complete failure. The rest were until I felt like I couldn’t do any more. Cory and Meg went to failure on an earlier round and kept going.

It was a good shoulder workout that was felt pretty quickly. I think we took quite a bit of rest and I was feeling muscle fatigue.

My total reps were 101. With 69 bench and 32 pullups in 24 minutes.

The whole time we were working Caleb came up with his own little circuit of assault bike, box jumps, and situps! I’m not sure he ever used the kettlebell.

12302019 – CrossFit

At my other sister’s and using their setup. I did the lifting portion from Solcana and took the MetCon from the main site. The gymnastic work was a EMOM of hollow and arch rocks followed by some handstand work.

Then I did 10×3 front squat at 60% which was 105#. I did them from the rack and they were just hard enough that the last set hurt a little bit, but not too much.

Then the MetCon… this was posted about a week ago and I thought it was something that would be a good body weight workout. It could also be a good one to test out later. It was 3 rounds of 50m lunges and then do the number of burpees that it took to complete the 50 meters. I stepped off about 25 meters on my sisters driveway and then lunged out and back so I could do the burpees inside. It was in the mid-40’s so it wasn’t too cold. I ended up doing about 120 of each through the 3 rounds. I wanted to quit during the burpees but kept going! It ended up taking 21:47 to do it all. The first set of lunges took about 90 seconds so you can see the burpees really slowed me down! I was quite glad to be finished with it!