Tag Archives: Endurance

04042018 – Endurance

Today’s family schedule dictated that I couldn’t work out in the AM. So I was able to get to an Endurance class this evening.  It had been awhile since that was the case and I forgot how much I enjoyed the long MetCons.  Wednesday nights are always long MetCons at Endurance and this was no different!

A nice 32 minute AMRAP! Who doesn’t love that right?

30 second sand bag (80#) bear hug

1 length sand bag carry

20 situps

1 length sand bag carry

10 dumbbell (25#) snatch (Right arm)

1 length dumbbell waiter walk (R)

10 dumbbell snatch (Left arm)

1 length dumbbell waiter walk (L)

25 air squats

I’m pretty sure that I finished 8 rounds and got 1 snatch on the 9th round.  I was staying pretty consistent at just under 4 minutes per round.  I probably could have done a 30# dumbbell and a heavier sand bag. I wouldn’t have been as consistent on the pacing.


02072018 – Endurance

After a rough day at work it was nice to be able to make it back to a PM Endurance class tonight. It sure was a doozy!

After a warm-up we had a 30 minute partner MetCon.

Partner 1 started on the rower and rowed for 200m while Partner 2 did an AMRAP of 1 Jerbear complex, 20 ball slams and 20 Russian Swings. Then we switched places. After Partner 2 completed the row, Partner 1 got back on and rowed 300m. This continued increasing 100m each time until 30 minutes was up.

I started on the rower and finished on the rower in the middle of the 800m row. The swings with a 53# kettlebell hurt after awhile. I never made it past the 2nd Jerbear complex.

Never heard of the Jerbear complex? It’s named after one of our coaches and is:

2 pushups

2 V-ups

Half burpee (or everything but the jump)

Lunge R

Lunge L

2 jump squats

Like I said, good times!