Tag Archives: 21-15-9

08022018 – CrossFit

Short little MetCon with my sister while camping. I packed my 35# kettlebell with me and put it to use today. We came up with a little 21-15-9 partner workout. We had some slight miscommunication about the execution of it, but once through that we were good! 

The 4 movements were 

Russian Swing

Plank hold

Overhead Lunges


The plank hold was for the length of time it took the other person to do the swings. It took us about 11:30 to get through it all. We both got dirty from burpees and lunges in the grass! 

04242018 – CrossFit

Doing an Rx workout is hard, but when you can pretty much do all the movements you gotta go for it!

But first we did a 9 minute Snatch EMOM.  The first 3 minutes was 3 reps at 55%, then 3 minutes of 2 reps at 65%, and then 3 minutes of 3 reps at 55%.  After warming up we jumped right in.  I started out with 65#’s on the bar and added 10#’s for 75#’s for the middle 6 reps. The weights were challenging, but not crushing. I need to be more patient and wait for the extension before getting underneath the bar and work on consistently getting down to proper depth.

The MetCon was a 21-15-9 Triplet with a 13 minutes time cap.  The 3 movements:

American Swing with a 50# Kettlebell


Toes to Bar

I finished in 11:30 and was the last one done in my class. Burpees usually slow me down and this was definitely the case.  My toes to bar are also a little rough – I’m not getting a good enough kip to get the toes to the bar, but my knees are coming up to my chest, so that’s close! Plus I just really started.  I had to break them down into sets of 3.

03052018 – Bike Trainer

We got a snow day today! Hard to believe. I hit the bike trainer this morning while the kids played upstairs!

I did 45 minutes on the trainer while catching up on some TED videos. Then I did some stretching before a short 21-15-9 with my 53# kettlebell. Russian Swings and deadlifts. I finished the short workout in 3:13.

02262018 – CrossFit

That was a doozy!

12 minutes to a heavy single Split Jerk. I got 135 up and attempted 145 but it wasn’t happening. 135 is a 25 pound PR. Quite pleased with that!

The MetCon was simple but brutal.


Squat Clean 95#



I was able to do this which is scaled as written. It was quite the doozy. I had to break it up quite a bit and was doing one pushup at a time for the last 8, but I got it done. The whole class 11 other soles were all cheering me on which helped make it through!

02172018 – Skiing

We’ve had several warm days which I’m sure have ruined most of the natural snow trails. I took the meadow trail to get to the start/finish area and it was ok. I wouldn’t have wanted to ski much further on it. The man made loops were still great and I think I actually did almost all of them today. I still have conquered the huge hill by the chalet. I did 4.2 miles in just under an hour. The temp was mid-20s with some light snow coming down. It was a great morning to ski!

When I got home I did another quick 21-15-9 workout.

Bench Press

Slam Ball 15#


I finished in 5:36. I’m not sure how much my bar actually weighs, maybe only 10 pounds and I just did the empty bar, so not super impressive but it’s what I got! Anyone want to gift me a bar!