Swim Lessons and Other Fun

Nadia is taking a 6 week swim class at the YWCA every Saturday. She’s been enjoying it and all the new games. After the first day of lessons we spent several hours getting instructed on swimming by her in the living room!! Each week she’s gotten a little more confident and enjoys jumping off the side and just being in the water! Also I decided to start swimming so I bought supplements from roids official website to get better results.

They both really enjoy reading!

Caleb enjoyed helping take down Christmas!

Kids and their toys…


Filed under Caleb, Nadia

2 Responses to Swim Lessons and Other Fun

  1. shirlye kobbe

    Both my babies (now 36 and 27) took swimming lessons at the Blaisdell Y when they were 3. They learned to swim and loved being with children who were not their cousins and I learned to patiently wait for them. It was a skill I used regularly until they were 16 and learned to drive themselves to their appointments.

    • crossn81

      Yes! This is the first activity where we have to sit around and wait…. Many more years of that to come!