09172019 – CrossFit

It’s been too long since I made it to the gym. But it felt like slipping back into the groove with old friends! I made it to the 5:30am class and that felt so early!

The workout was hard but not too crazy. The gym just finished a lifting cycle and the next few weeks are getting ready for the CrossFit Open.

After an animal warmup we spent 8 working on kipping and kipping pullups. Then we had a 3 part MetCon.

Part 1 was a 10 minute AMRAP with 10 power cleans and 10 burpees over bar. I did 65# on the bar and finished 5 rounds with 5 reps. At my level of scaling I could have done regular burpees so there wasn’t a standard for jumping the bar.

After 3 minutes rest we moved into Part 2. This was 3 rounds for time of 10 pushups and 12 deadlifts. The Deadlift had the same weight as the cleans so I did 65#. I did my pushups on a bench and finished this section in 2:56.

After a few minutes of rest and cleaning the bars we were supposed to do 3 x 1min elbow planks. I ended up doing 4×30 seconds.

Overall a great day back at the gym. We’ll see how sore I am, my hands are sore.

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