07232018 – CrossFit

Unloading a trailer full of dirt (about 1 cu yd) right after CrossFit isn’t necessarily the best idea.  Especially after having loaded the said trailer the night before by the shovel load!  It wasn’t actually that bad, but I felt really tired afterwards.

Today’s warm-up included Banded Kettlebell Swings, Cossack Squats and Thoracic rotations in a straddle position.  The Banded Swings felt really weird as the Kettlebell kind of shot back down really quick.

Monday is Sumo Deadlift, so we added 10#’s to last week’s lift.  Today’s 155# tied my PR for the lift. We had only done it one other time outside of this cycle and that’s when I hit 155.  At that time a coach probably gave me a percentage of a traditional deadlift and that’s what I did.  155 felt heavyish but I didn’t have any trouble with the 5×7 workout.

The MetCon was a doozy.  Not a true chipper workout, but it sure felt that way!  The workout was:

30 Overhead Lunges with a 25# dumbbell

15 Pull-Ups

15 Toes to Bar

30 Overhead Lunges

15 Pull-Ups

15 Toes to Bar

30 Overhead Lunges

My toes to bar are a little shaky still so I was somewhere between Toes to Bar and Hanging Knee Raises. I got a couple correct, but struggled with continuing to kip for the T2B.  The lunges felt a little easy at 25#, but that felt good to be able to push through them.  The first round of pull-ups I did in sets of 5 and the second round in sets of 3. I think that my kip is getting better for the first 3, but after that it falls apart.  All in all, this was a tough workout.  My time was 10:53.

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