07122018 – Run

Hot and horribly muggy plus a side of tired legs made for a rough run this morning.  It was like 79 when I started my run with a similar % of humidy and dew point of 67.  So yea, pretty swampy way to start the morning off!  Plus I was feel some leg fatigue from CrossFit and pulling my entourage of a trail-behind and Chariot behind my bike.

As I started out I wasn’t sure what would happen.  But as usually happens my legs loosened up as I ran.  I just decided that I would do what I can for the 5×800 intervals.  I usually would jog the 400m rest between, but today I walked most of them.  I saw a new path that had been mowed into the first meadow so I took it.  The mowing stopped, but I saw a single-track and that eventually ended in a briar patch.  Oops… I was able to bushwhack my way out of it, but why did they mow that trail and not some of the others that are overgrown?  Besides that the run was pretty ordinary.  I went around the goat enclosure, but didn’t see any of them this morning.

For those keeping score here are the intervals:







Today’s total was  5.43 miles in 1:03:55.  I think we are driving to swim lessons today instead of riding!

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